- Hercanic
School is a biatch, isn't it? =o) Anywho, I have some sad news. In the Contacts list, if you notice, there are only 10 Offical Beta Testers listed. This is because I had to let some go. They could not, or would not, fulfill their duties as agreed initially at the start of testing. A great presentation, but poor execution on their promise. The two empty spots will not be filled, however. I'm freezing the roster at 10 people, so please do not ask to join.
Dedicated people are indeed hard to find, I can plainly see that now, even on a project such as this. A good learning experience, at the very least. I bear the departed testers no ill-will; I wish them the best. But still, that feeling of disappointment is present. Ah well. In other news, Little John, that brilliant craftsman, is working on converting the HW Guy and Floating Fortress into GRP's. We may actually have some screenshots worth seeing soon enough! =o)
- Hercanic
Edgen, that musical genius, has produced one of the best pieces I've ever heard from him. Three cheers for Edgen! Heck, throw in a fourth! =o) Anywho, download the splendid Revealed Identity (3.2MB). And as always, be sure to visit his website! =o)
- Hercanic
Alrighty, it's been long enough since the site itself has been updated with something totally new, don't you agree? So, here you are, Battle Reports. Only five reports so far, but hopefully this will motivate those lazy testers to fill up this new section soon. Also, I threw in a link to a Buildings page, although it contains no content. Just planning for the future. =o) Enjoy!
- Hercanic
The official STF messageboard is coming! It actually works now, thanks to Recon's much more responsive email assistance. =o) All that's left now is its stylization to the STF theme, a few tweaks and fixes here and there, and it should be ready for its public unvieling. Get ready. =o)
- Hercanic
Finally, after such a long wait, we've got two new battle reports! One by Messiah00Guy and the other by CampaignJunkie. Both on the same 6 FFA game, but from different perspectives. Give 'em a read, they're well worth it. =o) Enjoy!
- Hercanic
Alrighty, three more Battle Reports have been added in, thanks to Campaignjunkie. All three were matches and rematches against Jstek. Read about the carnage, and find out who owned who in this exciting, biased, and exaggerated retelling! =o) Enjoy!
- Hercanic
I hope you like battle reports, because that's what I've got! =o] Another report by Jason, detailing his game with Jstek. Who won? Well, find out from the resident Sniper-Whore himself! =o)
- Hercanic
Many new and exciting changes are taking place with STF. New units, new abilities, and even a new race are being added. The new STF units are the Mortar Team (formed from two Demomen), APC (Armored Personnel Carrier), and Ammo Boy. The new abilities are Gas Grenade for the Scout, Tranquilize for the Spy, and Flashbang Grenade for the Sniper. As for the new race, you'll just have to wait and see... =o)
The latest Beta version is being completed, and if the current bugs cooperate, it can be released to the Beta Testers soon enough. Cross your fingers on the HW Guy, as well. It's been quite a long while, long enough that you'd think the HW Guy would be ready in GRP format by now, but it's taken some time, as new animations had to be added and tweaked--not to mention limited free time for our artists. We'll keep you informed on new developements. Let's just hope everything goes our way in the mean time... =o)
- Hercanic
Hmm, well, what the hell. Everyone, you can check out the official under-construction STF forum. If you have any questions, comments, or would just like to hang out, this is the prime place. Don't mind the lazy Beta testers who take their status for granted, my new cattle prod is on its way. Anywho, the message board is fully functional, it just isn't formatted to the STF theme. I hope you can bare with us. =o)
Also, three cheers for the 13,500 hits! You're all a great bunch (all 3 of you). Now, enough of my lame attempts at humor, off to the forums with ya!
Official STF Forum