- Hercanic
Didn't think I'd forgotten about you all, now did ya? The Beta shall be released tomorrow, Monday. Get ready.
- Hercanic
Guess what? After working ceaselessly on STF, I realized, this is too much work, so I am completely cancelling the project. Shocked? Good, because that's my belated April Fool's joke. Get the newest Beta, STF 2.4.0, now! Sadly, it isn't as polished as I would have liked it to be, so don't be surprised if you can find bugs blindfolded. If you're on a 56K, and patient, a new version should be released within a week or two, taking care of all the obvious problems and balance issues. So bear that in mind before dedicating your time to this 13MB monster of a download. This Beta should be 1.10 compatible, although it has yet to be tested. Any bugs, please report them in the Base of Operations forum. Above all else, have fun! =oD
- Hercanic
UPDATE - All right, the solution we've worked out is a mirror site for hosting the Beta. Try here. Special thanks go out to Atticus for the generous use of his server. Be warned, though, he has a bandwidth limit, so if things aren't working, the limit may have been reached. I would also like to thank the STFC Team for their hosting offer, but the upload kept failing just like on the STF server. Dreadnaught, your efforts are also appreciated. =o)
OLD NEWS - Stay away from the Beta! Bad Beta, bad! Due to DOS attacks on Recon causing the server to become unstable, the Beta upload was corrupted, and will not fully unzip. I will update this news post when things are fixed.
- Hercanic
Even though the Beta can be unzipped successfully now, the mod will crash immediately at the beginning of a game. The most current suspect is the new version of MemGraft designed to make STF compatible with 1.10. I will update you on any progress.
- Hercanic
An IP change for Campaign Creations caused the forum to go down. The forum has been fixed, and it operational once more. As for the mod, it would seem the problem stems from the iscript.bin file's conflict with 1.10. The solution is to redo the entire Iscript, which is no easy endeavor.
I'm finally getting into 3D modeling. For the first assignment of the class, I decided to kill two birds with one stone, and construct the STF Watchtower. This is my first model, and it still requires a bit of work and extra details, but you can have a looksy here.
- Hercanic
Whoo-hoo! MG problem has been solved! Special thanks goes out to DarkWizzard. Now, I'm going to release the working Beta tomorrow, although I shall take a little extra time in working out some of the last minute bugs of the rush release of 2.4.0. This is your last chance to suggest balance changes on the forum, so hurry up, the new Beta is on its way!
- Hercanic
Well, it seems there are still a few MG-related bugs left afterall. The Soldier crashes when you select it, so I'm going to belay releasing the Beta until this problem is solved.