Jasonien vs Jstek
Map: Blood Bath
STF 2.0.1

Note: This was a rematch of a game with Jstek, where all he did was get Blockades. It's not even worth writing out, all I did was get Snipers.

Okay, so I start with my 13 Engineer build, and to my suprise, he comes at me with three (3) scouts! REALLY FAST BUILDER. I'll give him that. However, what he has in building, he lacks in Micro. =P I think I lost a total of...1 Engineer. 8D

I started to go Assault, when he attacked me AGAIN! I lost another Engie, he lost 3 more Scouts. 8)

The Assault Facility finished, and I started to pump out HW guys, as I had no gas. I think that I'm going to scout with my solitary HW guy, but before I have the chance, I see all his Engineers rolling into my base like oranges. Then, the Engineers used their ULTRA SECRET WEAPON. The thing called a "crash Jason's SC" wrench.

Winner (or would have been): Jasonien
Moral Victory: Jstek. =P