7/1/2002 - Hercanic
  It's July! Do you know what that means? It means it's the final countdown to the Open Beta of STF! And to help you all out, I've put up a clock that'll let you know exactly how long it'll be until the Beta is released. =o) Enjoy!

 7/2/2002 - Hercanic
  I'd like to take this opportunity to formally welcome Jstek to the STF Team. Having completed the Harrier model, Jstek has agreed to join our little stalwart party and help speed this hulk to completion! Jstek is truly a Renaissance man, having committed both to Dominion War and STF, I really have to hand it to him, he knows how to get things done. What is Jstek currently working on? Why, the Osprey, of course! So stay tuned for development pics! =o)

 7/3/2002 - Hercanic
  Whelp, it's the 3rd of July, the release date of the highly-anticipated Blizzard game, Warcraft III. What does this mean for STF? Why, only the best, of course! As most of you may have heard, STF will be ported over to Warcraft III, with even more units, weapons, and surprises. A webpage is currently in the works detailing what TFT, Team Fortress Tactics, will be all about. But never fear, STF will be completed. We won't be "abandoning" STF for anything, come rain or shine.

  So, you may wonder, what is all the staff up to? Well, Little John informs me he should have some pics of the Floating Fortress ready tonight, and possibly have something of the Barricade to see. JackBlack is fixing a minor bug in the Sniper portrait and will be working on the Soldier's portrait next. Jstek is getting prepared to create the Osprey, and is insisting I get the Harrier into the game ASAP. Heh, and I don't blame him. Edgen has very recently suffered a motherboard spontaneous combustion, which means he won't be able to produce any music until he buys a new one. Yeah, his motherboard literally caught on fire. =o) Shojin has sent word that he's working on the Observer theme, but will be moving to Samoa soon, and thus will be unable to produce anything for about 2-3 months, until he can get his computer and studio up and running again. As for Justin Skormarovsky, his studio is down, and until he gets the cash to repair his equipment, he's out of commission. And as for myself, I'm currently wrestling with 101 bugs that just won't die. I'm hoping to release the next version of STF to the Beta testers within the next few days, but these problems may prove that impossible. We'll see. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this little progress update. More to come soon. =o)

 7/4/2002 - Hercanic
  Happy 4th of July! Enjoy this American holidy even more by listening to Return Flight as you blow up a small part of your country. =oD In other news, I've received word from Shojin that he has decided to take his computer with him on his trip, along with a mini-synthesizer, so he won't be out of commission during his moving hiatus. =o)

 7/5/2002 - Hercanic
  Do you like Battle Reports? Well, now is your opportunity to pick your favorite author! Head on down to this thread and vote today!

 7/6/2002 - Hercanic
  We've got new screenshots! And these are pics that I'm sure even the Beta Testers will want to see, as they're of Beta 2.1.0, a version not yet released to them! =o) So beat the testers to the punch and check 'em out!

 7/7/2002 - Hercanic
  I almost forgot to mention in 7/3, but Xealous, our resident 2D graphic artist, will be unable to perform his duties for who knows how long, due to his call to Jury Duty. At 8 hours a day, for $15 a day compensation, he has little free time. And since it's a Murder One trial, who knows how long it will last. The sympathy of the entire Team goes out to him. However, his absence has created a vacancy in a very important role in STF, so we'll be on the lookout for some talented 2D graphic artists. If you think you're qualified, give us a ring at this email, along with any samples of your work. Thank you.

 7/8/2002 - Hercanic
  Well, chalk one up for the great Houdini! Xealous got out of Jury Duty! That means he now has time for such extracurricular activities as STF. =o) However, if you're still interested in contributing to STF, I'd be happy to review your work.

 7/10/2002 - Hercanic
  I made a new mod last night: Locus. A whim at midnight compelled me to make this, a simple experiment in gameplay. Nothing spectacular, really. Just cheap, fast, flying workers and extravagant prices on everything else. The goal of this mod is to create a supply line system, where you must defend your own extensive line of workers traversing across the map to remote resource sites, and picking off wandering peons of the enemy. Try out Locus if you'd like something to tinker with while waiting for STF. =o)

 7/12/2002 - Hercanic
  Two new maps are up for download in the Download section (hmm, that seems a little redundant), "Point Zero" and "Forsaken Land". Also, the Locus mod is now up in the Download page. If you'd like to make any comments on it, click here.

 7/13/2002 - Hercanic
  Whoopsy! It would seem the Locus download in the Download section was incorrectly linked to the 2fort map. Heh, that'll tech me to be more observant. =o) Anywho, the problem has been remedied now. *looks up at clock* Crappers! Only 18 days left! Whelp, in that case, back to work! =o)

 7/14/2002 - Hercanic
  Damn myself again, the download link on the Download page for Locus was wrong again! Gah! Ah well, it's been fixed and should work now, although, after this time, don't take my word on it. <=o)

 7/20/2002 - Hercanic
  Ack! Bad clock, bad! How dare you move faster than I want you to! ...Ah well, looks like Open Beta is coming up fast. Guess I better pick up the pace! =o) And, rather than write a huge news post, I'll go work on STF. Wish me luck!

 7/24/2002 - Hercanic
  Exactly one week left until Open Beta is schedualed to begin. The staff and I are hard at work getting the latest Beta ready, so stay tuned... =o)

 7/29/2002 - Hercanic
  JackBlack would like you all to know he has a new personal site online now, and would be honored if you would have a look. As I understand it, though, it's still under heavy construction, but check it out anyway. He is not only a valued member of the STF Team, but he is also known by some for his work on the Starcraft mod, JBP (JackBlack's Pack), which features a wide array of new graphics, spells, and all sorts of good stuff. JBP is sure to be a prime feature at JackBlack's new site, so check back on the site every now and then for updates on this promising SC mod. You can find the link in the Member Profiles, or by clicking here.

 7/30/2002 - Hercanic
  Slight correction of the clock. Open Beta will start sometime during July 31st, not right at 12:01 AM. =o) Also keep in mind the clock works off your computer clock, and thus may not be completely accurate, as I am working from Mountain Time, GMT -7.

 7/31/2002 - Hercanic
  Open Beta has begun! Hit the Download page to get it. =o) If you're interested in mirroring the file, contact me, and we'll talk. Do not link directly to the Beta, however, but rather here. If you're interested in starting up a multiplayer game, which is what STF is made for, go to the STF forums. STF has a working AI, but it's a simple one made as a placehold for a much larger, far more complex AI, so Multiplayer is encouraged over Singleplayer. Anywho, have fun! Make any bug reports on the forum.