3/10/2002 - Hercanic
  Well, after 9 months of developement, it's about time we had a website! Welcome to the grand opening of the official Starcraft Team Fortress website, a place to find the latest, up-to-date information on this promising Total Conversion for Starcraft. And following that, STF is currently in its closed Beta testing stages; v.2.0.0 is in the hands of the selected Beta testers. Version 2.0.1 is being worked on, but is held back by the most frustrating bugs. But, that's life, eh?

  On the lefthand side you should have noticed an array of menu items to choose from. Some, as you might imagine, do not work. However, the Units and Screenshot sections are up and running, and you can be sure more content will be added to the Screenshot page over the course of developement. Stay tuned for new sections, and updates to current ones. Oh, and a public release of the mod itself, once it's ready. =o)

 3/12/2002 - Hercanic
  The About section is up and running. Whew, only four more sections to go! ....please kill me, someone. Anywho, some of you may have discovered this page when no announcement has been publicly made. Why? Well, that's because I'm not unveiling this site until it's complete. But for those accidental travelers, or newbies, welcome to your reward. =o)

 3/13/2002 - Hercanic
  Uncanny, without even being announced, this site has already raked up over 300 hits today. I only wonder what will happen when it really is publicly announced after completion around the SC community. Heh. Anywho, updated the Screenshot section with a couple new shots from a multiplayer game played today. Tomorrow, I'll be uploading the FAQ page, and possibly the Profile page. Wish me luck! =o)

 3/14/2002 - Hercanic
  Dern you people! This site shouldn't have over 500 hits yet! =o) Anywho, the FAQ section is finished and uploaded. More may be added to it later on if new questions keep popping up. =o) Also, new shots in the screenshot section. Enjoy, ya early bastards! =o)

 3/15/2002 - Hercanic
  Wow, three days, 1000 hits, and still this site has not been officially announced. *claps, opera-style* Anywho, more progress has been made towards that goal, as the Legal and Contact Info pages are up. Next up, Member Profiles. =o) Should have it done (semi-complete/still-in-the-works) by either tonight or tomorrow.

 3/16/2002 - Hercanic
  Alrighty, everything is finally uploaded! That means, I can announce the site. =o) For all the newcomers, welcome! Here you can find out what you need to know about STF, the upcoming Total Conversion for Starcraft. I'll be adding in a few more sections as time goes by, such as a Download page and Building page, and adding new content to the Screenshot page and such. But for now, this'll do. Enjoy! =o)

 3/17/2002 - Hercanic
  Little John is currently working on a Trailer for STF. I don't want to spoil anything, but I'll say this. It involves a Demoman in a little bit of trouble... =o)

 3/18/2002 - Hercanic
  Until more buildings are completed, there won't be a Buildings page. However, for those who have never seen the new Hub graphic, or for those who'd just like a refreshed look, here's the STF Hub, by Little John. Currently in the works is the STF Floating Fortress, which Little John is making awesome progress on. Stay tuned for updates.

 3/19/2002 - Hercanic
  For those of you who weren't aware, STF was at one point going to have a non-playable (neutral, like the Burning Legion in WarIII) race of Hybrids. This has been dropped due to the amount of extra work it would require. Not something I was particularly happy to do, but the exectutive desicion had to be made for the good of the entire project. However, before being dropped, some of the models had been started. Because of this, I will be constructing the Hybrid Graveyard page, which will detail what the Hybrids would have been. As a taste, here's one of the early renders of the Hybrid Berserker's head, by Little John.

 3/20/2002 - Hercanic
  Who would like to get their hands on a copy of the STF Beta? Well, now you can! TPC is hosting a Starcraft tournament on TPCnet, and the winner will receive the STF Beta as their prize. Certain rules and restrictions apply. For more information on this contest, visit this board, and sign up if you think you've got what it takes. =o)

 3/21/2002 - Hercanic
  Well, today is a good day. I received the first smk portrait from JackBlack, for the HW Guy. STF is finally getting the new graphics it desperately needs. Little John is still working on converting the HW Guy unit graphic to GRP, so stick around for that. But for now, check out the HW Guy's portrait. Enjoy! =o)

 3/22/2002 - Hercanic
  Alrighty, quite a few small updates. First off, most of the pages have been changed to Arial font, for better ease of reading. New screenshots have been added, and the Archives are now up and running. If you have any suggestions on how this site can be improved, feel free to send an email. There will be pages for Downloads, Buildings, Hybrids, and such, so, don't bother suggesting what's already in the works. =o)

 3/23/2002 - Hercanic
  The Floating Fortress model is coming along great. In fact, it's gone through several generations already. The Floating Fortress doubles as both a building and a unit, capable of landing and acting as a resource depot, or taking flight and attacking those on the ground. Take a look at its graphical evolution, from the very first FF, to the second FF, third FF, and finally to the current FF model. Lots of work still being done, but you can see how much the FF has, and is, changing through the course of development. You should see new pics of the FF within the next few days.

 3/24/2002 - Hercanic
  It is a well-known fact that Starcraft is an old game. =o) Many feel Warcraft III will be the death of Starcraft, and as a result, make a major dent on the audience for STF. This may be true to some degree, however, what does the STF Team plan on doing after the release of Warcraft III? Why, modding WarIII of course! Yes, once released, STF will be moving over to the WarIII platform, and due to WarIII's incredible mod-friendliness, so much more will be possible. In fact, so many new ideas have already been generated that it is apparent how unbelievably superior the WarIII version of STF will be. So don't fear, STF is in for a very big future. =o)

  Also: Updated the FAQ and changed a few incorrect facts in the Profile page.

 3/25/2002 - Hercanic
  Beta 2.0.1 has been released to the Beta Testers! Snipers now no longer cause the bugs they once did. I can't say they don't cause any problems, however, as Jason is having too much fun Sniper-whoring. Damn him. Anywho, I have a new song from Edgen. A couple, actually, but I've uploaded one of them for you all. Download Light Between Shadows (2.09MB). Be sure to visit Edgen's website as well; he loves visitors. =o) Enjoy!

 3/29/2002 - Hercanic
  I have some bad news. JackBlack has recently suffered a Hard Drive crash, and has lost everything. The unit models, the portraits, everything. Luckily, both Little John and I have the unit models stored. However, JackBlack hadn't gotten around to uploading the portraits, and so all of them have been lost. He had completed the models for each and every unit in the game, all that was needed was to animate them, and now they're all lost. A major, unfortunate blow to STF. Even more so, JackBlack has had very little free time these past few months, so as for when he'd be able to make up all that has been lost is undetermined. It's a damn shame when this sort of thing happens. Almost like the Fates work against modmakers everywhere, if you'll recall the ThunderGraft incident. Making backups can never be more emphasized then they are now, and the STF Team will be sure to take precautions against future mishaps. Thank you to everyone eagerly awaiting this mod. We are doing our best to deliver top quality in a timely manner. Stay tuned.

 3/30/2002 - Hercanic
  Updated the Units page with not only some new statistic categories, but also changed most of the statistics to reflect new balance changes being implemented. In other news, Little John is on vacation for the next three days, so we won't be seeing any new work from him until then. However, here is a more current screenshot of the grand Floating Fortress. Enjoy! Haven't had word back from JackBlack yet.

  Some of the Beta Testers are pushing for a new section, Battle Reports. I've agreed, so long as they produce some well-written and thorough reports for your viewing. Some excellent battle reports have already been submitted, but I still need more in order to create an entirely new section for them. Feel free to yell at them if you wish. =o)