- Hercanic
Here's a new Shojin song to tease your ears. Click here to get it. Enjoy!
- Hercanic
Many people have gone to the forums and asked a simple question, "Where can I find people to play multiplayer?" While a decent enough question, other forumers have been repeating it so frequently that they are becoming quite annoyed, aslo due to the fact that the very same information is contained within a sticky thread in the Mess Hall. Well, I'm going to make it easier on everyone, and just tell you all right here, right now. You can find people on US East, channel Starcraft Team Fortress. I've updated the FAQ and STF Download page with this same information. Hopefully, everyone will read it. =o)
- Hercanic
Now who doesn't like music? Because that's what I've brought, another piece by Shojin. Download it here. Enjoy!
- Hercanic
It must just be that time of year again, because I've got even more music to satiate your lobes. Turn it up for this latest installment by Shojin, Forgotten Worlds, a mysterious piece for a mysterious race. Enjoy!
- Hercanic
No doubt the topic of many websites, but as most everyone knows, today is exactly one year after the day America was sucker-punched. My deepest condolences go out to all who have been affected by this tragic event. If you feel the need to express anything, please, be my guest and let it out.
- Hercanic
If you're curious about what's taking the new version of STF so long to be released, this post will enlighten you. Keep checking it, as I'll be updating the first post with my progress as I make it.
- Hercanic
With school dominating the gaming population, tournaments are harder to organize and run effectively. So, instead, the STF forumers have opted to have a regularly schedualed game night. Each Saturday at 5pm BattleNet time (Pacific time, since Blizzard is located in California), fellow STF players will gather on US East, channel Starcraft Team Fortress, to play. If you're in need of people to play STF with, don't miss out on Saturday.
- Hercanic
I've got another great music piece by Shojin for you all, Der Ausloser. This one is under Shojin's surname, Razor Sliph, which he uses on his more darker pieces. Be sure to visit all of the STF musician's MP3.com sites, as they benefit from every listen over 30 seconds. So if you like their music, help out Shojin, Edgen, and Justin by downloading a few tracks. Also, remember today is Saturday, so don't miss the game night! Read the news post below for more information.
- Hercanic
Who doesn't love the old classic that started it all? No, further back than Team Fortress. Pong! Just a little fun for everyone, play it if you're ever waiting on someone for a multiplayer game of STF. =o)
- Hercanic
My goodness, talk about a serious downtime! Due to Desler's irresponsible actions, we've had to get a whole new domain name in order to remedy the situation. Well, at least things are working now. Actually, some of the more specific links on this site will need to be updated...that's going to take some work. Anywho, good to see all of you back. JackBlack has sent me the completed Demolitions Man! So, you'll be seeing him in the game soon, along with the HW Guy and Scout...
- Hercanic
If you'll direct your attention to the sidebar, you'll notice a few changes. The biggest happens to be STF now has its own chatroom! Built-in to the page for the ultimate in convenience. I hope you enjoy. It should be much better for arranging multiplayer games than the slow forum or the window-consuming Battlenet room. The second most important addition to the sidebar is a Replay page. It's completely blank, but that will be changing soon. Stay tuned for more developements.
- Hercanic
Whelp, everyone, I'm moving tomorrow. Thursday, to be exact. I'm off to
Arizona to attend the Arts Institute of Pheonix for my degree in Game Design. It's quite a big step, out on my own
for once. Should be...interesting. Anywho, wish me luck! Hopefully once I'm situated, Campaign Creations will be
back up and running with its new domain. Hey, I can be hopeful, can't I? =oD
- Hercanic
Here I am, in Arizona! A pleasant enough journey, if not expensive. Since I
cannot move into my place yet, I'll have to reside in a hotel until it's ready. That will be about 5 nights, which
will eat my wallet out of $200. Not fun to part with. Because I'll be in a hotel--who knows what kind of funky
charges they make on outgoing phone calls--I will not be able to go online from this point on until I establish a
phone service in my new place. That could easily be a week. On the plus side, I finally bought Warcraft III. At
least something will be able to fill the void of withdrawals from the Internet. =oD Anywho, good to see the new
domain name is up and running now. Fixed the forum problem that resulted from the change. Hope everyone is doing
well. I certainly hope I will be.